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Ostala Garmin oprema

Ukupno proizvoda: 46

GARMIN GC 100 Wireless kamera

Bežični prijenos videozapisa na ploter Kompaktna nautička kamera pomaže vam pri nadzoru područja unutar i oko plovila Bežično povezivanje s kompatibilnim ploterom za slike visoke kvalitete koje se prikazuju izravno na vašem zaslonu Videozapis je d ...

GARMIN GFS 10 Senzor za gorivo (benzin)

Add fuel tracking capabilities to your Garmin chartplotter and optimize your boat's fuel economy. The GFS 10 tracks fuel flow use and sends the data to your chartplotter via the Garmin CANet® or NMEA 2000®. Unlike other fuel flow sensors, the GFS ...

GARMIN GMI 20 Marine instrument

Perfectly Designed for Power and Sail Vessels Marine instrument display clearly shows depth, speed, wind and 100+ marine and vessel parameters Large, bright 4” color glass-bonded lens display with anti-glare finish Easy to read from a distance and ...

GARMIN GNX 120 Marine instrument, 7"

Create a High-performance Glass Mast High-precision glass-bonded backlit LCD display avoids fogging Bold 2-inch (51 mm) digits are the largest digits in class Provides the data necessary to make confident decisions Displays more than 50 marine an ...

GARMIN GNX 130 Marine instrument, 10"

Easy-to-read With the Largest Digits in its Class High-precision glass-bonded backlit LCD display avoids fogging Bold 2.75-inch (70 mm) digits are the largest digits in class Provides the data necessary to make confident decisions Displays more t ...

GARMIN GNX 20 Marine instrument, standard LCD

Marine Instrument with Standard 4” LCD Large, easy-to-read black digits and graphs on a white or color background provides high contrast and high visibility; choose from 7 customizable backlight colors Glass-bonded display with anti-glare lens avoi ...

GARMIN GNX 21 Marine instrument, inverted LCD

Marine Instrument with Inverted 4” LCD Large, easy-to-read white or color digits on a black background for high visibility in low-light or darkness; choose from 7 customizable backlight colors Glass-bonded display with anti-glare lens avoids foggin ...

GARMIN GNX kontrola za GNX 120/130

Daljinski upravljajte zaslonom kompatibilnog GNX instrumenta pomoću tipkovnice koja se može montirati blizu kormila. Tipkovnica sadrži 4 gumba sa zadanom konfiguracijom. Osim toga možete jednostavnim pritiskom gumba podesiti pozadinsko osvjetljenje s ...

GARMIN GNX Wind instrument

Povoljan instrument za mjerenje vjetra •Monokromatski LCD zaslon s pozadinskim osvjetljenjem ima staklenu brtvu koja sprječava zamagljivanje •Velike i lako čitljive crne znamenke na bijeloj pozadini ili pozadini u boji po vašem izboru osiguravaju v ...

GARMIN GNX Wired sailpack (GNX Wind,GNX20,gWind,GND 10,DST 800)

Podaci koji su vam potrebni za donošenje ispravnih odluka •Uključuje GNX Wind, gWind™ Wired, GNX™ 20 i DST800 •Instrumenti GNX Wind i GNX 20 opremljeni su lako čitljivim monokromatskim LCD zaslonima •Sonda gWind Wired opremljena je propelerom s tr ...

GARMIN GPS 24xd HVS (NMEA 0183), antena

GPS prijemnik 24xd HVS s antenom nudi vam preciznu lokaciju s višestrukim GNSS-om i precizni smjer, čak i pri niskim brzinama. Navigirajte na više lokacija s proširenom GNSS podrškom. Upotrebljavajte iznimno osjetljivo praćenje uz vrlo brzo ...

GARMIN GPS 24xd NMEA 2000, antena

The GPS 24xd position receiver and antenna gives you precise location with multi-band GNSS and heading accuracy even at slow speeds. Navigate in more locations with expanded GNSS support. Get high-sensitivity tracking with fast GPS update r ...

GARMIN GT 20-TM krmena sonda - 77/200kHz/ClearVü 4-pin

Perfect for the shallow water fisherman who want traditional and CHIRP ClearVü scanning sonar, this transom or trolling motor mounted transducer consistently displays fish arches as well as clear pictures of objects, structure and fish that pass belo ...

GARMIN GT 20-TM krmena sonda - 77/200kHz/ClearVü 8-pin

For the shallow water anglers who wants traditional and CHIRP ClearVü scanning sonar, this transom or trolling motor mounted transducer consistently displays fish arches as well as clear pictures of objects, structure and fish that pass below your bo ...

GARMIN GT 21-TH sonda kroz rupu - 50/200kHz/ClearVü 8-pin

Perfect for coastal and offshore fishermen who want traditional sonar and CHIRP ClearVü scanning sonar with a stainless steel stem, this thru-hull mount transducer consistently displays clear and crisp fish arches with superior target separation as w ...

GARMIN GT 21-TM krmena sonda - 50/200kHz/ClearVü 8-pin

Perfect for coastal and offshore fishermen who want traditional sonar and CHIRP ClearVü scanning sonar. this transom mount transducer consistently displays clear and crisp fish arches with superior target separation as well as clear definition of str ...

GARMIN GT 51M-TH sonda kroz rupu-80-160 kHz CHIRP/ClearVü/SideVu 12-pin

Ova thru-hull sonda daje kristalno jasne slike sonara koje prikazuju predmete, strukture i ribe ispod plovila. Ova sonda sa standardnim CHIRP sonarom i CHIRP DownVü/SideVü sonarom optimizirana je za rad na dubinama i teške uvjete. CHIRP DownVü/Sid ...

GARMIN GT 51M-TM krmena sonda-80-160 kHz CHIRP/ClearVü/SideVu 12-pin

Ova sonda za montažu na krmenom zrcalu daje kristalno jasne slike sonara koje prikazuju predmete, strukture i ribe ispod plovila. Ova sonda sa standardnim CHIRP sonarom i CHIRP DownVü/SideVü sonarom optimizirana je za rad na dubinama i teške uvjete. ...

GARMIN GT24UHD-TM krmena sonda CHIRP Trad(150-240kHz)/ClearVü (760-880kHz) novo!!

Sonda sve-u-jednom Jedna sonda pruža slike dobivene ClearVü sonarom za skeniranje u najvećoj mogućoj rezoluciji i nevjerojatno jasne slike dobivene standardnim CHIRP sonarom visokog, širokog raspona Standardni CHIRP sonar visokog, širokog raspona p ...

GARMIN GT34UHD-TH sonda kroz rupu ClearVü/SideVü 800/1200 kHz

Sonda za montiranje kroz trup sustava UHD sonara Dodajte zapanjujuće jasne slike UHD ClearVü i UHD SideVü sonara za skeniranje na kompatibilan ploter putem GCV™ 20 sonarnog modula. Sadrži tri snopa, uključujući element usmjeren prema dolje (800 kHz ...

GARMIN GT34UHD-TM krmena sonda ClearVü/SideVü 800/1200 kHz

Sonda za montiranje na krmeno zrcalo sustava UHD sonara Dodajte zapanjujuće jasne slike UHD ClearVü i UHD SideVü sonara za skeniranje na kompatibilan ploter putem GCV™ 20 sonarnog modula. Sadrži tri snopa, uključujući element usmjeren prema dolje (8 ...

GARMIN GT54UHD-TM krmena sonda CHIRP Trad (150-240kHz)/ClearVü/SideVü 800/1200 kHz novo!!

Sonda sve-u-jednom Jedna sonda pruža slike dobivene ClearVü i SideVü sonarom za skeniranje u najvećoj mogućoj rezoluciji i nevjerojatno jasne slike dobivene standardnim CHIRP sonarom visokog, širokog raspona Standardni CHIRP sonar visokog, širokog ...

GARMIN GTV5 D Satellite TV Dome, KVH

Enjoy Satellite TV Reception Where Few Others Can Provide It 18” (45 cm) diameter antenna features proprietary KVH® RingFire™ technology for stronger signals, wider geographic coverage, and better reception Supports DIRECTV® U.S., DISH Network®, Be ...

GARMIN GTV6 D Satellite TV Dome, KVH

Enjoy Your Favorite TV Programming When out to Sea Ultra high-efficiency, 24” (60 cm) diameter antenna features proprietary KVH® RingFire™ technology for stronger signals, wider geographic coverage and better reception Supports DIRECTV® U.S., DISH ...

GARMIN gWind senzor vjetra - wireless 2

Eliminate Wires Through Your Mast An easy-to-install solution that eliminates running wires through masts up to 50 feet 3-bladed propeller for more accurate wind speed in lighter wind conditions Twin-fin design gives a more stable wind angle Sola ...

GARMIN Marine heading senzor

When interfacing this 3-axis compass heading sensor to our marine lineup of MFDs and radars, mariners can expect unparalleled radar overlay performance and accuracy along with excellent MARPA capabilities. This heading sensor (based on Airmar H218 ...

GARMIN Wireless sail pack (GNX 20 instrument, gWind wireless 2 senzor, DST 800 sonda)

The Information You Need to Make Confident Decisions Includes Garmin GNX™ Wind and GNX 20 marine instruments, gWind™ Wireless 2 transducer and DST800 thru-hull smart transducer GNX Wind and GNX 20 instruments have highly visible monochrome LCD disp ...

GARMIN Wireless wind pack (GNX Wind instrument, gWind wireless 2 senzor)

The Information You Need to Set Sail Includes GNX™ Wind instrument and gWind™ Wireless 2 transducer GNX Wind provides 2 data fields and a digital wind rose to simultaneously display true and apparent wind data, Steer Pilot, boat speed and more Dis ...
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